We are Thoroughbred Sales
No.1 online horses platform
Thoroughbred Sales is the No.1 online horses platform for current and potential owners to look for a new race horse. We are known not only for the amount of people we reach per week but the service we offer in helping people find the right horse to suit them and their budget. We have more Trainers and Syndicators using Thoroughbred Sales to connect with new clients then any other platform in corners of Australia.
How easy is it to list a Horse?
We pride ourselves in being known as an easy to use website. It normally takes less then 1 minute to upload all of your horses details with sections for images, information and even a video link.
Handling the enquiries
Once your horse is uploaded you will start to see the enquires come through. These will come directly to your email address for you or your team to follow up on. Thoroughbred Sales does not get involved with the enquiries or the sales process, we leave that completely up to you.
Costings with NO COMMISSIONS!
Thats right, NO commissions. To list your horse you can either add it up as a single listing or sign up to one of our Premium Packages and receive all of the marketing benefits for 12 months. Once you pay the one-off annual subscription that is it. You can sell as many horses as you like with no more to pay.
Live data feeds & Marketing strategies