In 2011 after holding my own trainers license for approximately six months my wife Keira and I decided to purchase the larger block and construct an extra fifty boxes to cope with our growing team, a nervous choice at the time but has turned out to be our best move.
Our stable is located across the road from Tweed River Jockey Club. Facilities are top grade, two grass tracks and an all weather sand track. The biggest upside to being based where we are is the low horse volumes using the track. I have seventy five horses in work, which make up the vast majority, of the ninety horses in total being trained here.
“For us, it is almost like having a private track … and the club always tries to help.
“We’ve also got the beach. It’s not very far away. I take all my horses to the beach at some point, never for gallop work, we use it purely for therapeutic reasons for horses mind and body. Once horses become accustomed to the beach and water they absolutely love going for a trot up the sand dunes or walking in chest deep water as the waves gently wash over them.